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Treatments For Sleep Apnea

The first treatment for sleep apnea treatment is often lifestyle changes, such as losing weight, getting regular exercise, refraining from using alcohol and drugs, quitting smoking and sleeping on the side rather than on the back. These simple steps, which should become part of a person’s daily routine, can significantly reduce the occurrence of apneic episodes and improve symptoms.

If lifestyle changes are ineffective, a health professional may recommend an oral or breathing device. In severe cases, surgery is also available.

Obstructive sleep apnea is a common disorder that affects adults of all ages. The main symptom is excessive daytime sleepiness, and it can also cause snoring, heart disease, high blood pressure, depression and other problems. People with obstructive sleep apnea often feel exhausted even after getting a full night’s sleep, and they can have difficulty concentrating and remembering things. Some people also experience headaches or have trouble waking up, while others may wake up to find they’ve been gasping for breath.

The most effective treatment for obstructive sleep apnea involves a machine that delivers air pressure to keep the upper airway open while you’re sleeping. This therapy is called continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP. It is the most commonly used therapy for sleep apnea, and it is usually effective in people with moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea and with mild to moderate central sleep apnea. The CPAP machine has a mask that covers your nose or mouth, and it delivers pressurized air that keeps the upper airway passages open throughout the night.

For some people with obstructive sleep apnea, the simplest treatment is positioning devices that keep them from sleeping on their backs. Other options include the use of a cervical pillow that extends the neck, or an oral appliance that holds the tongue and jaw in a different position to reduce airway obstruction. Oral appliances are generally custom-fit, and they can be very effective.

Other therapies for obstructive sleep apnea include surgery to correct a blocked nasal airway, or procedures to remove excess tissue from the throat. Other treatments focus on addressing medical issues that can cause or worsen abnormal breathing, such as heart failure or an irregular heartbeat.

There are a number of medications that can help with obstructive sleep apnea, including sedatives and tranquilizers. But most of these drugs aren’t approved by the FDA for use in treating sleep apnea, and they can be very dangerous. There are also some newer drugs that can stimulate or calm the brain, but they’re not widely available. They’re a promising treatment option for many patients, but they can’t cure sleep apnea and are typically only helpful as a temporary measure to relieve the symptoms while you try other treatments. In most cases, a combination of lifestyle and medical treatments is the best strategy for improving sleep apnea. These treatments should be used consistently to have the most benefit.

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